Sunday, March 29, 2009

For 12 years I have been on the path of self-healing, for my self and sharing the powerful skills I have learned from the Universal Principles. My work is called Biospheric Reconditioning, changing cellular and DNA structures to align with your true essence. Recently I have learned that my best skill is helping people with pain . . . so here is my blog about my work:

Are you one of those people who live in pain?

You know the people who ignore how they feel?
The people who think their pain is ‘nothing’, ‘no big deal’
and say ‘it will just go away’?

You know these same people, by ignoring their pain which is a signal of distress or ‘out of balance’ in the body will eventually build blockages in that area and eventually the body needs emergency help. At that time they usually go to a doctor and have thousands of dollars of medical bills and possibly even surgery?

Are you one of these people? Then, this information is for YOU!

I help people in pain. Yes, I help people remove pain from migraines, back aches, old injuries, broken bones and more. And I help people save thousands of dollars of medical bills and possibly surgery!

Here is a testimonial from one of my clients:
“I love Sheryl's work with my body and soul...she has given me strength to heal and to heal myself. I love her work. Sheryl continually teaches me new things. I feel like she can hear what I am saying...which is very important to me. I never feel like I am talking to someone who doesn't hear me. Don't you like really being heard? Sheryl is always right on. Sheryl has a sight that was given to her that is special and giving and healing. If you ever have a problem with your body or mind...give her a call...she knows how to get to the bottom of the problem instantly and give solutions and process that will turn around an upset...and physical illness. I feel good when I am with her on the phone or in person. She has been blessed. Sincerely and in truth, Bonniie”

I am making a Special Offer to people who are in pain that will end on April 30th, 2009. Take Our Health Pledge with me. Here is how it works.

When you take Our Health Pledge for 2009 you will be committing to your health by clearing, releasing and changing old worn out pain that does not support who you are today. Let’s move into your highest and best self. My normal rates are $150/hr. When you take Our Health Pledge with me, you will save 1/2 off normal rates for an entire year from the date you sign up. That’s a savings of $300 for 4 sessions! Normal sessions are $600 for 4 sessions, you will receive them for only $300!

Click here to take Our Health Pledge NOW!

This offer was so successful, I can only take another 7 people in my schedule. For the first 3 people who sign up by April 5th, I will send you free Suze Orman’s new book 2009 Action Plan, sure to help you manage your money so you will win for 2009!

Just call me and say “I will commit to Our Health Pledge with you this year” and send the one time sign up fee, only $100 to start you off. From then on, all your sessions for an entire year will be from the date you sign up are only $75/hr each! And remember, this offer is good only through April 30th, 2009. So Hurry time is moving fast these days!

In case you are wondering what it’s like having phone sessions I wanted to share with you what people say when we are done with a phone session.

“Shazna’s phone sessions are just like having her right there with me, the energy is so powerful it’s palpable. I felt relaxed, peaceful and free of my emotional and physical pain”.

Since 1997 I chose to live a life of service to humankind. Today, because of four very powerful reasons I am making this offer to you!
1. the economy
2. the hunger people have to not live in pain any longer
3. the need to be balanced so we can achieve our collective and individual dreams. I am extending Our Health Pledge for 2009 ONLY THRU APRIL 30TH! From the date you sign up, you will have support for your health for an entire year for 1/2 off regular rates! Just think of the savings, not only from me, but from your own medical bills
4. people are out there waiting for you to serve them!

Plus, another bonus I will be offering 5, F*R*E*E, 1/2 hr sessions in person or over the phone for one more month so you can try it out and make sure it’s a fit for you! Check with me early in the month to see how many I have left.

"Thank you, Shazna for the work we did together, and the way that you have of being with people and aiding in their transformation and opening up to Spirit. I am now so much more of the person that I want to be than I was before we did our work together, and I thank you so much for taking my hand and leading me there.” S.F.

I choose to have your Health be #1 priority this year so that you can serve the thousands of people just waiting for you! Let’s do this together.

Shazna (the 'z' is silent)
Creator of Biospheric Reconditioning, Author, Speaker, Teacher
541-210-2892 cell