I've been thinking about sharing what it's like to be a facilitator of spiritual healing. It's been on my mind and often I wait until I get a clear signal before I move into action on my own ideas. Tonight, or shall I say this morning, it's after one am here in Ashland, Oregon, it's time.
The road to getting to see the light shine in someone's eyes is long, filled with challenges and breakthroughs, musings and personal healing, long before I get to sit with a client and assist them to move through the morass they call life, I am dealing with my own (and in between clients).
Most of us, the people who are in service to others, in either a healing or helping capacity, are on the road to our own self-healing. You've heard the phrase "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear"? Well for holistic practitioners and people in service to others, it's more like the world is your reflection and whatever is in your own consciousness will out-picture, so be ready to do your own work or don't put yourself in front of others who really need help because it can tear your heart apart to watch people's suffering. Or, teacher is student, student is teacher.
In my world, no one is the leader. When I sit in front of someone, we are equals. I'm learning by the questions they are asking of me. It's humbling, real, raw and very transparent, except when it's not. Some people want so much to be out of pain, yet when they get close to that moment of seeing the true responsibility they have to themselves, they resist, get into fear and bow out of it's way, while I'm holding space and silently cheering them on into their next layer that I know will offer them the relief they are so welcoming.
How do I know this? I've been there so many times, I think I've done at least a million sessions on myself. I think I've visited the same issue at least a hundred thousand times only to finally realize that 'abandonment' is my life issue and no matter how many times I feel sad when someone leaves my life, I may feel that sadness every time, because it's my life issue to heal and when I die, I'll know I got it done. Until then, I've learned to be ok with touching it again and again because each time I do, I get stronger in a different way and the stinger gets softer.
Like this last weekend, I got stronger in standing up for myself. It was a surprise but I did it and it was the easiest one yet. Not only was I surprised that I could stay in the moment, be present to how I felt, communicate it without any blame, but then I asked my friend what was learned from the situation and once that was communicated, I said I love you and now I'm ready to move on, how about you? It was the cleanest upset I've ever been involved in and only took about 10 mins! That is healing. Being able to be in the experience of what bothers you, telling the truth about it, loving the other person while you are upset and meaning it and then having it resolve because there is nothing else to do, but love and move on.
We are such grand beings. I am very committed to people and their growth and health. That statement has motivated me through many very difficult and sometimes bad situations. And, each of those situations taught me greatly, each one brought me a new awareness or choice to stay motivated to the Truth. It isn't easy, but it's worth every tear, every word, every drippy drooly wet kleenex to see the light shine in someone's eyes.
This chapter will continue . . .
Thursday, May 28, 2009
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