If I didn't have 'lack' in my life, I wouldn't have learned that
Source is not outside of me. People are not my source, my work is not my source. The source of life runs through me connected to me and expresses itself as me.
Living a life of service doesn't mean getting everything I want or only doing life on my own terms, in my own way. It means putting myself to task, learning how to change my distorted thinking and past illusory experiences into the gift that I have been awakened with - to evolve my life, consciously.
Do what you love and the money will follow. That statement doesn't mean to neglect the power of God that lives within you and do whatever you want within the illusion (conditioning).
This kind of distorted thinking creates angst within us. It also creates many unresolved thoughts, experiences and incomplete solutions that are waiting to be solved. These thoughts and undone actions revolve and recycle in our magnetic fields causing us to keep attracting what we have been wanting to let go of, detach from, yet we cannot do that without truly letting go, consciously.
One phrase I’ve taught my students is to learn to claim, trust and believe in themselves by stating “I’m done with that”. So, let’s say that a typical problem arises again, face it consciously and drop into your heart and state “I’m done with that”, then you let go internally for a moment and what arises within you is another way to act/react in that moment. Profoundly possible.
Crystalline Clearings have become very popular over the last three months since I have changed my service from self-healing sessions to Crystalline Clearing’s for people. One woman said “I am now conscious why I have not lost the weight I’ve wanted to in 10 years”. Her conscious opened, as a result of being cleared, so she could claim what was true and real, then change it consciously to “I’m done with that”, then make a new choice. There was a gentleman who grieved the loss of his relationship. In two days he became clear that he was holding on to her and to have another relationship come to him, he would have to know that he was done with that. Within a week he had three invitations from three new women friends. Another woman’s life was chaos. She knew the way she thought was chaotic and therefore created chaos towards her. In two months of clearings she moved into a better home, was able to do that move in peace and calmness and said money is coming to her effortlessly because she is in inspired action. Do you think this creates inner peace?
We are on a mission for the divine. To spread the seeds of oneness. To restore humanity’s dignity. Underlying in the hearts if our humanity is care, contribution. We come already pre-wired with it as our natural operating system. Is our care really operating in our lives right now? Do we give care and kindness to others? Do we accept care, thoughtfulness and kindness from others?
Restlessness and quick paced lives have brought us to our knees, we have let go of kindness and respect … how do we regain it? Results don't come from our doing they come from our being.
The mental body and emotional body are getting the least amount of attention from our consciousness. The mental is connected to the conscious mind. The emotional is connected to the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind is connected to the illusion and the mental body is the interpreter. We keep dancing around these fields, which become holograms and affect our conscious mind and that is what is attracted to us. These fields become clogged with thought patterns where we feel stuck and reactive. Our manifestation abilities are then limited by the mind. Which is not divine source energy.
Let’s consciously create our personal solutions to inner peace by being done with past thoughts and patterns and choosing consciously for today.