This has been a long time coming . . . and I'm so excited to tell you . . .
If you want to hear it on audio format, click here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/saktly Scroll down the page until you see the download, listen there.
Since I fell off the mountain over 12 years ago, one of the gifts that opened at that time is being involved in multi-dimensional work with the Cosmic forces of change for the Golden Age.
My team would call on my energy during the night, teach me what they needed to be done through the dimensions, and I would simply offer my energy to fulfill their request.
Sometimes I would be awake for days, learning and receiving, asking internal questions and watching what was happening. I felt it was unspeakable work, something I could not share with anyone, and something I did to fulfill my dharmic commitment to the Universe and Humanity.
Until now. It's as though 'my team' gave me permission to allow others to know about this work, it's value and to assist us to move into our dharmic work together in a very easy way. We are ready for this. We have done our work and we are ready for the blocks to be removed, through the dimensions, to allow us ease on our path as humans. Some of these teachings, this cosmic awareness, I brought into my own body (bringing heaven to earth, the body) as a daily practice so that I could learn/teach it to others. I have been doing this now for the past 12 years in groups, classes and private sessions. Our classroom is our human body. Now we are ready to receive Grace.
The Crystalline Clearings will assist you in having more ease and grace, knowing you are not alone in your work any longer (really believe this), and not really having to 'do' anything any more. Our magnetic fields are chaotic, filled with concerns for our personal lives, of the impending changes and as those energies reach out to our grid structure which goes through the quantum fields and beyond to our fields of Pure Potential, what we have been getting back is other than fulfilling.
To sign up to receive your Crystalline Clearings write to me at shaznaj@earthlink.net or call me 541-210-2892.
A month of Crystalline Clearings is more cost effective and more time saving than one of my private healing sessions! Call now!
Love, Love to each of you
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