Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stories Worth Telling by Alan Cohen

In the spirit of the holiday season, Dee and I (Alan) went to a liquor store to purchase a gift of wine for a friend. There we asked the store owner, a congenial fellow named Ali, for some recommendations. We were pleasantly surprised to find that Ali is a world-class wine expert. He went into fascinating, poetic details about each wine, describing its subtlest nuances and mesmerizing us with stories about the history of each winery, some of which went back over a thousand years. I was rapt.
Finally I commented, "I guess all wines have a story."
Ali smiled and shook his head. "Not exactly," he replied. "All good wines have a story."

His comment got me thinking about the stories we tell. Some stories are worth telling and others are not worth telling. Some stories empower us and others disempower us. Which of your stories bring you life and which deaden you?

The end of this year might be a good time to decide which stories you want to leave behind and which you would like to take into the new year and amplify. One of the most powerful exercises I have ever done in a seminar was to ask the participants, "What story are you ready to let go of, and what story are you willing to have take its place?" The answers were quite revealing: Participants declared they were ready to let go of their victim and abuse stories; poverty, lack, and struggle; loveless relationships; fear, resistance, and many variations on "poor me." In their stead they were ready to tell new stories of living with conscious intention; relationships that yield reward and joy; abundance and success; trust, flow, and creativity; and "blessed me."

Every time you tell a story, you reinforce the feelings and experience associated with the story; you amplify the themes in your consciousness; and you increase the chances of a similar story repeating itself in your world. That is quite enough reason to carefully choose the stories you tell.

If you find yourself telling a story that is taking you to a place you would rather not revisit, stop and consider what story might effectively replace it. I patronize a video store that has a computer program that alerts the clerk if I am about to check out a video I have already rented. The clerk asks me, "Are you aware that you've already watched this video?" If it was a good video and I want to see it again, I proceed with the checkout. If I remember that I didn't really like the movie, I send it back to the shelf and pick out another one. How helpful would it be if you and I had a little computer program in our head that reminded us, "You have already told this story. Are you sure you want to tell it again?"

Many of us keep telling non-productive stories because we get perceived mileage out of them. They do not bring us reward, but they are familiar and we build a presentation
and identity around them. One of the movies I have checked out several times is The Heartbreak Kid (1972 version with Charles Grodin). In the film, Lenny has a canned spiel he gives most people to impress them. "I think it's time we quit taking from the earth and we started giving back to it." A good idea, for sure, but for Lenny it is purely hot air. Over the course of his journey, Lenny impresses a number of folks with his rap, to the point that he manipulates to marry the girl he has been pursuing. In the final scene of the film we see Lenny at his wedding reception, sitting on a couch with a couple of eight-year-old kids. "I think it's time we quit taking from the earth and we started giving back to it," he tells them. The kids simply roll their eyes, get up, and walk away. Like many children, they live too close to truth to be impressed by a hollow story.

Holiday gatherings offer great opportunities to be at choice about the stories you tell and listen to. What a wonderful season this will be if you use it to tell a new story! You can turn around lifetime patterns of negative conversation by pointing your story in a new direction. You may discover that no one is too old or too stuck to get a new story. Bill, a carpenter who works at my house from time to time, is a straight-arrow kind of guy. A military retiree, Bill is a devoted family man and conservative in many ways.
Last week Bill told me that, due to a health crisis, his wife picked up a book on spiritual healing. She got really excited about it, and so did Bill. As we stood in my back yard, Bill went into a long discourse about how spiritual healing works. Although I have understood (and taught) these principles over many years, I listened fervently, absolutely impressed by the new life Bill had discovered. He got a new and better story, and he is loving it!

Rather than wishing you a traditional holiday greeting, I wish you a good story. I wish that the most wonderful aspects of your current story expand, and if you have any painful or empty stories, that you find new ones to launch you into a new year. May your new year place you smack dab in the middle of the greatest story you have ever told. -Alan Cohen

Monday, November 30, 2009

Inner Peace and Crystalline Clearings

If I didn't have 'lack' in my life, I wouldn't have learned that
Source is not outside of me. People are not my source, my work is not my source. The source of life runs through me connected to me and expresses itself as me.

Living a life of service doesn't mean getting everything I want or only doing life on my own terms, in my own way. It means putting myself to task, learning how to change my distorted thinking and past illusory experiences into the gift that I have been awakened with - to evolve my life, consciously.

Do what you love and the money will follow. That statement doesn't mean to neglect the power of God that lives within you and do whatever you want within the illusion (conditioning).

This kind of distorted thinking creates angst within us. It also creates many unresolved thoughts, experiences and incomplete solutions that are waiting to be solved. These thoughts and undone actions revolve and recycle in our magnetic fields causing us to keep attracting what we have been wanting to let go of, detach from, yet we cannot do that without truly letting go, consciously.

One phrase I’ve taught my students is to learn to claim, trust and believe in themselves by stating “I’m done with that”. So, let’s say that a typical problem arises again, face it consciously and drop into your heart and state “I’m done with that”, then you let go internally for a moment and what arises within you is another way to act/react in that moment. Profoundly possible.

Crystalline Clearings have become very popular over the last three months since I have changed my service from self-healing sessions to Crystalline Clearing’s for people. One woman said “I am now conscious why I have not lost the weight I’ve wanted to in 10 years”. Her conscious opened, as a result of being cleared, so she could claim what was true and real, then change it consciously to “I’m done with that”, then make a new choice. There was a gentleman who grieved the loss of his relationship. In two days he became clear that he was holding on to her and to have another relationship come to him, he would have to know that he was done with that. Within a week he had three invitations from three new women friends. Another woman’s life was chaos. She knew the way she thought was chaotic and therefore created chaos towards her. In two months of clearings she moved into a better home, was able to do that move in peace and calmness and said money is coming to her effortlessly because she is in inspired action. Do you think this creates inner peace?

We are on a mission for the divine. To spread the seeds of oneness. To restore humanity’s dignity. Underlying in the hearts if our humanity is care, contribution. We come already pre-wired with it as our natural operating system. Is our care really operating in our lives right now? Do we give care and kindness to others? Do we accept care, thoughtfulness and kindness from others?

Restlessness and quick paced lives have brought us to our knees, we have let go of kindness and respect … how do we regain it? Results don't come from our doing they come from our being.

The mental body and emotional body are getting the least amount of attention from our consciousness. The mental is connected to the conscious mind. The emotional is connected to the sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious mind is connected to the illusion and the mental body is the interpreter. We keep dancing around these fields, which become holograms and affect our conscious mind and that is what is attracted to us. These fields become clogged with thought patterns where we feel stuck and reactive. Our manifestation abilities are then limited by the mind. Which is not divine source energy.

Let’s consciously create our personal solutions to inner peace by being done with past thoughts and patterns and choosing consciously for today.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Waking From the Dream

Jackie Robinson found my book website and asked me for an interview for her website. She asked me questions I've never been asked before, so out came some information I've never shared. It was an awe filled experience for me, so much so that when I was done I felt transported to another world, I was so high and happy.

Sign in to follow me and I will send it to you as a gift for signing up as a member of my blog.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Crystalline Clearings

This has been a long time coming . . . and I'm so excited to tell you . . .

If you want to hear it on audio format, click here: Scroll down the page until you see the download, listen there.

Since I fell off the mountain over 12 years ago, one of the gifts that opened at that time is being involved in multi-dimensional work with the Cosmic forces of change for the Golden Age.

My team would call on my energy during the night, teach me what they needed to be done through the dimensions, and I would simply offer my energy to fulfill their request.

Sometimes I would be awake for days, learning and receiving, asking internal questions and watching what was happening. I felt it was unspeakable work, something I could not share with anyone, and something I did to fulfill my dharmic commitment to the Universe and Humanity.

Until now. It's as though 'my team' gave me permission to allow others to know about this work, it's value and to assist us to move into our dharmic work together in a very easy way. We are ready for this. We have done our work and we are ready for the blocks to be removed, through the dimensions, to allow us ease on our path as humans. Some of these teachings, this cosmic awareness, I brought into my own body (bringing heaven to earth, the body) as a daily practice so that I could learn/teach it to others. I have been doing this now for the past 12 years in groups, classes and private sessions. Our classroom is our human body. Now we are ready to receive Grace.

The Crystalline Clearings will assist you in having more ease and grace, knowing you are not alone in your work any longer (really believe this), and not really having to 'do' anything any more. Our magnetic fields are chaotic, filled with concerns for our personal lives, of the impending changes and as those energies reach out to our grid structure which goes through the quantum fields and beyond to our fields of Pure Potential, what we have been getting back is other than fulfilling.

To sign up to receive your Crystalline Clearings write to me at or call me 541-210-2892.

A month of Crystalline Clearings is more cost effective and more time saving than one of my private healing sessions! Call now!

Love, Love to each of you

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Loving Kindness Respect

The video below is so inspiring! Does it take the children to wake us up? If so, I say YES! This gentle child is 13 yrs old.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A different Kind of Gratitude

What if you gave gratitude for what you didn't have to do today. Just imagine it! Scan through your day in your mind, take a moment to breathe and see all the things you didn't have to do today. What a blessing . . . I pray for you

l'Shana Tova to all my Jewish friends - Happy new year

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Here is a video of a different kind of falling. Human flying. Wow, if I knew this in 1997 my life would've been completely different!!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Being Brave

It is a brave soul who is willing to meet his own.

What is it that we have to do to brave our life? It seems that there is so much we are facing right now that what there is to do is overwhelming, too much. Keep track of this and that, do this and that, talk to this person and that person, make sure to follow up on this and that. And, stay well on top of that, have enough energy to perform all these tasks and many more, keep juggling income and paying bills, children, parents and on and on and on.

When is it our turn to receive? I say it's time to let go of the energy that is running all this we have to do. Our internal pressure is what is running the engine for this body of ours. What we don't consider though, is that the engine that is running is also running our adrenal glands, the glands that keep the harmonal balance within our body even, or not. When we are running alot of worry or concern energy within, our adrenal glands begin working overtime to make sure our body's system keep running smoothly. Without proper rest, our adrenals keep working overtime and eventually we can have to slow down, because the body begins to show us by giving us low energy symptoms, like a cold or needing a nap, or other physical symptoms.

Now we have a bigger problem than we started with. Now we must pay attention to the symptoms, take care of them. When enough rest is had the problems disappear, like magic. When the symptoms get ignored the body keeps fighting itself for relief. At some point, you, the one taking care of your body, gets to realize it's time to slow down and rest. Rest is one of the most important missing pieces of our society today.

When you are getting enough rest, meditation, water and balanced meals, you are giving yourself life affirming healing energy. This will also allow you a chance to slow down enough to evaluate how your worries will not solve your problems. Being your own champion, being brave and holding yourself in honor of what there is to do, the time alotted to do it and the time alotted to take care of yourself, if all in balance, will keep you healthy and brave. Learning to say 'yes' and 'no' appropriately will bring you into balance. Therefore, your body will take good care of itself and you will continue to have all the energy you need to do your day.

Peace and be brave enough to rest and be sweet to yourself, here is a video to see it in action.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


What is unconscious cannot be known until you slow down enough to listen. It is the unconscious that is ruling your life, it doesn’t matter if you know it or not. What you have is what you want. This is not good news. The good news is that if you give yourself a chance to slow down you can listen to what bubbles up into the consciousness and then allow yourself the beautiful grace to make a new choice about what you heard. This is really good news.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trusting in Source. . .Who/What is your source?

Trusting in Source. . .Who/What is your source?

In strange times like these, people forget. ‘Forget what’ you might be wondering? Forget who we are. How long have you been on your spiritual path? How many hours have you put into ‘knowing who you are’. And when times get strange, do you remember all that you have learned?

In between these two eclipses in July 09 (7th and 22nd) and the third coming up in early August, we are challenged to bring our awareness to the darkness that has shadowed our light and remember who we are. When the sun comes out and you stand and look up at it, what is behind you? Your shadow. So the more light you carry, the more you raise your frequency, the more you trust that life is a blessing no matter what happens – that is shining light on your shadow. The shadow will always be there to help you remember. There is no one out there to remind you.

However, right now what I’m experiencing is my clients dropping out, losing the commitment to themselves in favor of their cash flow. I’m experiencing people wanting and needing to help themselves and unless it’s a trade they won’t do it, for themselves. The quality of my life does not depend upon my clients choices. The flow of cash in my life looks very much like it depends upon what my clients choices are. When I get to a place where I’m thinking I must work harder, market more, talk to more people, accept anything, it’s all to keep me in action from my free will that is stuck in the belief that I’m in charge of my life. My practices over the years have taught me different, yet in this moment, my own desperation begins to motivate me to doing more. Then, I realize what I’m doing. And stop, breathe and rest into my center.

And then I remember that my prayer since January of this year has been to raise my hands to the heavens and open my heart, then with deep invitational prayer I say “In . . .Come” and it feels good. I surrender yet again, my thoughts, my free will, my old beliefs and give them all deep reverence. For if these thoughts and patterns were not there I may not be on the spiritual path, thank the Goddess. If these thoughts and patterns were not there I may not have ever learned to trust that God knows way better than I what is coming and how to use my energy the best.

So are people your source? I ask myself how is it that I drop into a place of fear after all I’ve learned and experienced in Grace. Well, it’s just that kind of time. The heavens are working, all in our favor, and we feel deeply that it’s us, yet again. Not really, it’s us to stay consciously aware of what arises, then do what we know to do, practice and trust that this too is a blessing. Source then, is right in that moment, not outside of us at all, ever.

I invite us all to breathe a bit more during this time and remember.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

We are ALL learning

I've been thinking about sharing what it's like to be a facilitator of spiritual healing. It's been on my mind and often I wait until I get a clear signal before I move into action on my own ideas. Tonight, or shall I say this morning, it's after one am here in Ashland, Oregon, it's time.

The road to getting to see the light shine in someone's eyes is long, filled with challenges and breakthroughs, musings and personal healing, long before I get to sit with a client and assist them to move through the morass they call life, I am dealing with my own (and in between clients).

Most of us, the people who are in service to others, in either a healing or helping capacity, are on the road to our own self-healing. You've heard the phrase "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear"? Well for holistic practitioners and people in service to others, it's more like the world is your reflection and whatever is in your own consciousness will out-picture, so be ready to do your own work or don't put yourself in front of others who really need help because it can tear your heart apart to watch people's suffering. Or, teacher is student, student is teacher.

In my world, no one is the leader. When I sit in front of someone, we are equals. I'm learning by the questions they are asking of me. It's humbling, real, raw and very transparent, except when it's not. Some people want so much to be out of pain, yet when they get close to that moment of seeing the true responsibility they have to themselves, they resist, get into fear and bow out of it's way, while I'm holding space and silently cheering them on into their next layer that I know will offer them the relief they are so welcoming.

How do I know this? I've been there so many times, I think I've done at least a million sessions on myself. I think I've visited the same issue at least a hundred thousand times only to finally realize that 'abandonment' is my life issue and no matter how many times I feel sad when someone leaves my life, I may feel that sadness every time, because it's my life issue to heal and when I die, I'll know I got it done. Until then, I've learned to be ok with touching it again and again because each time I do, I get stronger in a different way and the stinger gets softer.

Like this last weekend, I got stronger in standing up for myself. It was a surprise but I did it and it was the easiest one yet. Not only was I surprised that I could stay in the moment, be present to how I felt, communicate it without any blame, but then I asked my friend what was learned from the situation and once that was communicated, I said I love you and now I'm ready to move on, how about you? It was the cleanest upset I've ever been involved in and only took about 10 mins! That is healing. Being able to be in the experience of what bothers you, telling the truth about it, loving the other person while you are upset and meaning it and then having it resolve because there is nothing else to do, but love and move on.

We are such grand beings. I am very committed to people and their growth and health. That statement has motivated me through many very difficult and sometimes bad situations. And, each of those situations taught me greatly, each one brought me a new awareness or choice to stay motivated to the Truth. It isn't easy, but it's worth every tear, every word, every drippy drooly wet kleenex to see the light shine in someone's eyes.

This chapter will continue . . .

Sunday, March 29, 2009

For 12 years I have been on the path of self-healing, for my self and sharing the powerful skills I have learned from the Universal Principles. My work is called Biospheric Reconditioning, changing cellular and DNA structures to align with your true essence. Recently I have learned that my best skill is helping people with pain . . . so here is my blog about my work:

Are you one of those people who live in pain?

You know the people who ignore how they feel?
The people who think their pain is ‘nothing’, ‘no big deal’
and say ‘it will just go away’?

You know these same people, by ignoring their pain which is a signal of distress or ‘out of balance’ in the body will eventually build blockages in that area and eventually the body needs emergency help. At that time they usually go to a doctor and have thousands of dollars of medical bills and possibly even surgery?

Are you one of these people? Then, this information is for YOU!

I help people in pain. Yes, I help people remove pain from migraines, back aches, old injuries, broken bones and more. And I help people save thousands of dollars of medical bills and possibly surgery!

Here is a testimonial from one of my clients:
“I love Sheryl's work with my body and soul...she has given me strength to heal and to heal myself. I love her work. Sheryl continually teaches me new things. I feel like she can hear what I am saying...which is very important to me. I never feel like I am talking to someone who doesn't hear me. Don't you like really being heard? Sheryl is always right on. Sheryl has a sight that was given to her that is special and giving and healing. If you ever have a problem with your body or mind...give her a call...she knows how to get to the bottom of the problem instantly and give solutions and process that will turn around an upset...and physical illness. I feel good when I am with her on the phone or in person. She has been blessed. Sincerely and in truth, Bonniie”

I am making a Special Offer to people who are in pain that will end on April 30th, 2009. Take Our Health Pledge with me. Here is how it works.

When you take Our Health Pledge for 2009 you will be committing to your health by clearing, releasing and changing old worn out pain that does not support who you are today. Let’s move into your highest and best self. My normal rates are $150/hr. When you take Our Health Pledge with me, you will save 1/2 off normal rates for an entire year from the date you sign up. That’s a savings of $300 for 4 sessions! Normal sessions are $600 for 4 sessions, you will receive them for only $300!

Click here to take Our Health Pledge NOW!

This offer was so successful, I can only take another 7 people in my schedule. For the first 3 people who sign up by April 5th, I will send you free Suze Orman’s new book 2009 Action Plan, sure to help you manage your money so you will win for 2009!

Just call me and say “I will commit to Our Health Pledge with you this year” and send the one time sign up fee, only $100 to start you off. From then on, all your sessions for an entire year will be from the date you sign up are only $75/hr each! And remember, this offer is good only through April 30th, 2009. So Hurry time is moving fast these days!

In case you are wondering what it’s like having phone sessions I wanted to share with you what people say when we are done with a phone session.

“Shazna’s phone sessions are just like having her right there with me, the energy is so powerful it’s palpable. I felt relaxed, peaceful and free of my emotional and physical pain”.

Since 1997 I chose to live a life of service to humankind. Today, because of four very powerful reasons I am making this offer to you!
1. the economy
2. the hunger people have to not live in pain any longer
3. the need to be balanced so we can achieve our collective and individual dreams. I am extending Our Health Pledge for 2009 ONLY THRU APRIL 30TH! From the date you sign up, you will have support for your health for an entire year for 1/2 off regular rates! Just think of the savings, not only from me, but from your own medical bills
4. people are out there waiting for you to serve them!

Plus, another bonus I will be offering 5, F*R*E*E, 1/2 hr sessions in person or over the phone for one more month so you can try it out and make sure it’s a fit for you! Check with me early in the month to see how many I have left.

"Thank you, Shazna for the work we did together, and the way that you have of being with people and aiding in their transformation and opening up to Spirit. I am now so much more of the person that I want to be than I was before we did our work together, and I thank you so much for taking my hand and leading me there.” S.F.

I choose to have your Health be #1 priority this year so that you can serve the thousands of people just waiting for you! Let’s do this together.

Shazna (the 'z' is silent)
Creator of Biospheric Reconditioning, Author, Speaker, Teacher
541-210-2892 cell