Thursday, December 18, 2008

Simple Home Remedy for Colds


I just finished a cold in 3 days! At the perfect moment someone sent me an email with this remedy to remove mucous from sinus and throat:
1tbs Warm Honey
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
3 times a day and it's delicious

another friend gave me this for a sore throat:
simmer some fresh ginger, lemons in water, then pour into a cup and add some honey, delicious

This is all I did and I feel great! Well except for remembering the old adage 'feed a cold', I made some fresh veggie soups and ate alot! Removed a few pounds in the process, go figger!

Send in your suggestions!

The Crossroads

I feel we are all at a crossroad. One that will take us one way or another depending upon our view of our world, our choices and our fears. We are motivated by our fears and often make choices of new ways from those fears. Today, I happened to see one of those fears creeping into my consciousness. It's very old, very destructive and has taken me down roads that I have make the best of - through suffering and pain. Since I was able to see it, catch it, I went into my heart to clear, forgive and love myself but discovered even more underlying fears. The way I used to punish myself for making wrong choices, come from desperation and choose something that I really did not want in my life and how strong those impulses were to still go the same way. Instead, I'm breathing into my heart, clearing those energies which through the process I found were connected to my ancestors, wow, lots of energy. They were grateful for me to transmute them and be freed. I now am making fresh new choices with my career and I would love to share that with you.

Over the last 11 years I have been teaching classes on self healing, energy healing, prosperity, conscious language, the healing uses of essential oils and working one on one with clients on spiritual counseling, shamanic journeying and meditation/oneness. I have grown watching and participating with every client and group. It's been an awesome journey for me, one that I am so grateful for.

I have been getting some new information in meditation the last few weeks about offering my services in the corporate environment. I would have to sit with that one for a while as it's been years for me since I was a trainer/coach in corporations and things have changed. In fact, what I have noticed has changed is the progress the work I did in the 80's with my partner at the time, which was paradigm shifting, customer relations and sales training is actually all instituted now. So, I'm asking and then shown how the work I do now translates to focus, commitment, stress releasing in practical way, emotional balancing, conflict resolution and on and on, to make a better environment for the worker, co-workers and have peace prevail in the workplace. I am excited and ready to re-market myself to serve the call.

So, if any of you know of a corporate venture small, mid-size, or large that would like a Holistic Wellness Coach or Oneness Holistic Coach to work with their staff and offer trainings and retreats, I am pleased to be offering these services as of 2009. You are the first and I would love your feedback.

Watch the crossroads that may be happening in your life. Examine a little more closely what may be offered to you by making a choice that is new for you and see what direction it takes. Life alone is a gift and what comes to you, comes from your own creation through your energy fields. What is like it with return to you.

Expect a Miracle! oh, and have a great holy-day

Shazna/Sheryl Jai

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Being Alive

It's time to celebrate another day of living - Three Dog Night

Today I had the sad news that a friend took his life. It's doubly sad for me as I am a 'live your life now, big, bold and lively' kinda gal. It's difficult for me, and very compassionate, to think that anyone could be suffering so that they cannot find that spark within that let's them know, all is ok, I am loved, I don't need to do/be anything, I am alive and life is happening for me, my breath is life alone, my life is a gift and precious to me and to others.

I began thinking that just last week I put myself through a very quiet time, a time away from the day=to=day doings and slowed way, way down. During that time one of the things I realized is how many people are effected by me, positively or negatively. I was shown through meditation, how many interactions I have in a day and how people respond to those interactions. How they come away from me. I got to see/feel my effect on them! It was quite eye opening. This gave me an opportunity to do some fine tuning in my behaviors, speaking and actions, so that not only am I being true to myself but honoring of another also.

What are you thoughts on this? What effect do you have on others? Does it even matter to you?

Love and hugs to Life and YOU


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Welcome to my blog

What is a blog? In my world all new words want to be an acronym. This one for me is Beautiful Little Oration Goddess. Does anyone have any other ideas for this acronym?

Enjoy my posts and please write your responses.

Here is a new review I just got on my book 50 Feet in 4 Seconds: The True Story of A Leap into Consciousness and Ultimate Health. I couldn't resist sharing her note to me as well.

Dear Shazna,
If this is too long, just shorten it any way you like. To write this little review, I reread your book and enjoyed it even more the second time! It truly is life-changing. I'm going to order a couple of copies to give to friends. I had been going to lend my own copy out, but I now don't want to part with it, even temporarily!
Thank you again for the heart and great soul you poured into this work.

50 Feet in 4 Seconds took me with Shazna Jai on a leap of faith into fuller consciousness. How? The clarity, authenticity, and authority with which she writes are irresistible. In this unique spiritual adventure, I fell with Shazna and then experienced her miraculous recovery. And not just recovery! This book is about revelation: discovering who we really are, finding our true path, and having the courage to live it while here in the body now. I felt the blessings she experienced of being guided and healed by dolphins, angels, and ascended masters and guides.
When Shazna fell 50 feet in 4 seconds and broke 22 bones, she surrendered into a healing process that affected her on more than a physical level. Yet, she clearly states that “... our collective intent is to be carried out in human form, bringing the light of the divine within our precious cells.”
Shazna offers her book as a testimonial to the power of Spirit, the wisdom of the inner Self. All we need to do is listen, surrender, say yes, and BE without reservation and without judgment. The book includes daily healing practices for learning to “Know Thyself.” Thank you, Shazna, for showing us that surrendering to the power of Love can lead us to the highest state of Bliss.

Marty Christian, retired editor, National Geographic Books